SNo. | Scientific Name | Scientific Name Authorship | Locality | Habitat | Basis of Record | Recorded By | Record Number | Island | Source | Date |
1 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Waikupanaha Stream, Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii | Floating on surface of pond. Small, green circulr plants w/ | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | F. Starr, K. Starr & Fukada | 030204-1 | Oahu | HAPI | 2/4/2003 |
2 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii County, US-HI, US | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | G. Staples | 1203 | Maui | HAPI | 2/9/2001 | |
3 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | waikupanaha stream, waimanalo, oahu, hawaii | Mauka side of bridge, floating in water, tangled in debris. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | crago, l.m. imada, c. | collector number: 2005-226 | Oahu | BISH | 11/3/2005 |
4 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | kailua, edge of kaelepulu pond, north and west borders | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | neal, m.c. hartt, c.e. | collector number: s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 5/30/1940 | |
5 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Manoa Valley, near new bridge, in taro patch | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Neal, M.C. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 2/11/1934 | |
6 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Kihei, in waterway makai of South Kihei Road between St. Teresa's Church (1310 S.Kihei Rd) and Maui Dive Shop (1455 S.Kihei Rd) | Floating on edge of waterway in small numbers following project to remove water hyacinth from the site. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Thomas, P. | s.n. | Maui | BISH | 8/3/2004 |
7 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | East Maui, Kanaha Beach | In small pond near beach. Floating on surface of pond. Associated vegetation: Schinus terebinthifolius. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Starr, F. Starr, K.; M.Fukada | Collector Number: 030204-1 | Maui | BISH | 2/4/2003 |
8 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Kailua, edge of Kaelepulu Pond, north and west borders | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Neal, M.C. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 5/30/1940 | |
9 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Kawaihapai, mouth of creek | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | St. John, H. | 10008 | Oahu | BISH | 11/3/1929 | |
10 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | E Maui Kanahana Beach. In small pond near beach. | Floating on surface of pond. Small, green circulr plants w/ | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Starr, F.; Starr, K.; Fukada | 030204-1 | Maui | US | 2/4/2003 |
11 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Waimanalo, Leilani Nursery, 41-630 Kaulukanu St. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | George Staples | 759 | Oahu | PTBG | 11/16/1991 | |
12 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | e maui kanahana beach. in small pond near beach. | Floating on surface of pond. Small, green circulr plants w/ | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | f. starr, k. starr & fukada | 030204-1 | Maui | US | 2/4/2003 |
13 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | manoa valley, near new bridge, in taro patch | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | neal, m.c. hartt, c. | collector number: s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 2/11/1934 | |
14 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | damon ponds, moanalua | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 2517.0 | Oahu | BISH | 10/20/1918 | |
15 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | East Maui, Kanaha Beach | In small pond near beach. Floating on surface of pond. Associated vegetation: Schinus terebinthifolius. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Starr, F. | 030204-1 | Maui | BISH | 2/4/2003 |
16 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Waimanalo, in Waikupanaha Stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath Kalanianaole Hwy near main entrance to Bellow AFS. Freshwater canal draining Waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | George Staples | 1203 | Oahu | PTBG | 2/9/2001 | |
17 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | ko`olau poko district, waimanalo, in waikupanaha stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath kalanianaole hwy near main entrance to bellows afs. freshwater canal draining waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | g. staples | 1203 | Oahu | US | 2/9/2001 | |
18 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Ko'olau Poko District, Waimanalo, in Waikupanaha Stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath Kalanianaole Hwy near main entrance to Bellows AFS. Freshwater canal draining Waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Staples, G. W. | 1203 | Oahu | US | 2/9/2001 | |
19 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Ko`olau Poko District, Waimanalo, in Waikupanaha Stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath Kalanianaole Hwy near main entrance to Bellows AFS. Freshwater canal draining Waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | G. Staples | 1203 | Oahu | US | 2/9/2001 | |
20 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | kawihapai, oahu, t. hawaii | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. | 8933 | USF | 11/27/1926 | ||
21 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Waimanalo, Leilani Nursery, 41-630 Kaulukanu St | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Staples, G. | 759 | Oahu | BISH | 11/16/1991 | |
22 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Koolaupoko Distr., Waimanalo, in Waikupanaha Stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath Kalanianaole Hwy near main entrance to Bellows AFS | Freshwater canal draining Waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Staples, G.W. | Collector Number: 1203 | Oahu | BISH | 2/9/2001 |
23 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | E Maui Kanahana Beach. In small pond near beach. | Floating on surface of pond. Small, green circulr plants w/ | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | F. Starr, K. Starr & Fukada | 030204-1 | Maui | US | 2/4/2003 |
24 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Damon Ponds, Moanalua | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 2517.O | Oahu | BISH | 10/20/1918 | |
25 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | kihei, in waterway makai of south kihei road between st. teresa's church (1310 s.kihei rd) and maui dive shop (1455 s.kihei rd) | Floating on edge of waterway in small numbers following project to remove water hyacinth from the site. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | thomas, p. | collector number: s.n. | Maui | BISH | 8/3/2004 |
26 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Kailua, edge of Kaelepulu Pond, west borders | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Neal, M.C. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 6/11/1940 | |
27 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Waikupanaha Stream, Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii | Mauka side of bridge, floating in water, tangled in debris. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Crago, L.M. | 2005-226 | Oahu | BISH | 11/3/2005 |
28 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | koolaupoko distr., waimanalo, in waikupanaha stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath kalanianaole hwy near main entrance to bellows afs | Freshwater canal draining Waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | staples, g.w. | collector number: 1203 | Oahu | BISH | 2/9/2001 |
29 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | s shore, kapalawai, makai of hwy 50 | Common on trees and forming mats on ground | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | imada, c.t. char, w.p.; morden, c. | collector number: 99-7 | Maui | BISH | 3/6/1999 |
30 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Waikupanaha Stream, Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii | Mauka side of bridge, floating in water, tangled in debris. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Crago, L.M. Imada, C. | Collector Number: 2005-226 | Oahu | BISH | 11/3/2005 |
31 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | east maui, kanaha beach | In small pond near beach. Floating on surface of pond. Associated vegetation: Schinus terebinthifolius. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | starr, f. starr, k.; m.fukada | collector number: 030204-1 | Maui | BISH | 2/4/2003 |
32 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | kawaihapai, mouth of creek | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | st.john, h. | collector number: 10008 | Oahu | BISH | 11/3/1929 | |
33 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | S shore, Kapalawai, makai of Hwy 50 | Floating on edge of Kapalawai Pond along with Eichhornia, Schoenoplectus, Cyperus involucratus, Lemna. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Imada, C.T. Char, W.P.; Morden, C. | Collector Number: 99-7 | Kauai | BISH | 3/6/1999 |
34 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | S shore, Kapalawai, makai of Hwy 50 | Floating on edge of Kapalawai Pond along with Eichhornia, Schoenoplectus, Cyperus involucratus, Lemna. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Imada, C.T. | 99-7 | Kauai | BISH | 3/6/1999 |
35 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | waimanalo, leilani nursery, 41-630 kaulukanu st | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | staples, g.w. et al. | collector number: 759 | Oahu | BISH | 11/16/1991 | |
36 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Koolaupoko Distr., Waimanalo, in Waikupanaha Stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath Kalanianaole Hwy near main entrance to Bellows AFS | Freshwater canal draining Waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Staples, G. | 1203 | Oahu | BISH | 2/9/2001 |
37 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | kailua, edge of kaelepulu pond, west borders | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | neal, m.c. hartt, c.e. | collector number: s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 6/11/1940 | |
38 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Waikupanaha Stream, Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii | Floating on surface of pond. Small, green circulr plants w/ | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | F. Starr, K. Starr & Fukada | 030204-1 | Oahu | HAPI | 2/4/2003 |
39 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii County, US-HI, US | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | G. Staples | 1203 | Maui | HAPI | 2/9/2001 | |
40 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | waikupanaha stream, waimanalo, oahu, hawaii | Mauka side of bridge, floating in water, tangled in debris. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | crago, l.m. imada, c. | collector number: 2005-226 | Oahu | BISH | 11/3/2005 |
41 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | kailua, edge of kaelepulu pond, north and west borders | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | neal, m.c. hartt, c.e. | collector number: s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 5/30/1940 | |
42 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Manoa Valley, near new bridge, in taro patch | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Neal, M.C. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 2/11/1934 | |
43 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Kihei, in waterway makai of South Kihei Road between St. Teresa's Church (1310 S.Kihei Rd) and Maui Dive Shop (1455 S.Kihei Rd) | Floating on edge of waterway in small numbers following project to remove water hyacinth from the site. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Thomas, P. | s.n. | Maui | BISH | 8/3/2004 |
44 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | East Maui, Kanaha Beach | In small pond near beach. Floating on surface of pond. Associated vegetation: Schinus terebinthifolius. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Starr, F. Starr, K.; M.Fukada | Collector Number: 030204-1 | Maui | BISH | 2/4/2003 |
45 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Kailua, edge of Kaelepulu Pond, north and west borders | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Neal, M.C. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 5/30/1940 | |
46 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Kawaihapai, mouth of creek | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | St. John, H. | 10008 | Oahu | BISH | 11/3/1929 | |
47 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | E Maui Kanahana Beach. In small pond near beach. | Floating on surface of pond. Small, green circulr plants w/ | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Starr, F.; Starr, K.; Fukada | 030204-1 | Maui | US | 2/4/2003 |
48 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Waimanalo, Leilani Nursery, 41-630 Kaulukanu St. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | George Staples | 759 | Oahu | PTBG | 11/16/1991 | |
49 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | e maui kanahana beach. in small pond near beach. | Floating on surface of pond. Small, green circulr plants w/ | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | f. starr, k. starr & fukada | 030204-1 | Maui | US | 2/4/2003 |
50 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | manoa valley, near new bridge, in taro patch | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | neal, m.c. hartt, c. | collector number: s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 2/11/1934 | |
51 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | damon ponds, moanalua | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 2517.0 | Oahu | BISH | 10/20/1918 | |
52 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | East Maui, Kanaha Beach | In small pond near beach. Floating on surface of pond. Associated vegetation: Schinus terebinthifolius. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Starr, F. | 030204-1 | Maui | BISH | 2/4/2003 |
53 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Waimanalo, in Waikupanaha Stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath Kalanianaole Hwy near main entrance to Bellow AFS. Freshwater canal draining Waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | George Staples | 1203 | Oahu | PTBG | 2/9/2001 | |
54 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | ko`olau poko district, waimanalo, in waikupanaha stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath kalanianaole hwy near main entrance to bellows afs. freshwater canal draining waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | g. staples | 1203 | Oahu | US | 2/9/2001 | |
55 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Ko'olau Poko District, Waimanalo, in Waikupanaha Stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath Kalanianaole Hwy near main entrance to Bellows AFS. Freshwater canal draining Waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Staples, G. W. | 1203 | Oahu | US | 2/9/2001 | |
56 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Ko`olau Poko District, Waimanalo, in Waikupanaha Stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath Kalanianaole Hwy near main entrance to Bellows AFS. Freshwater canal draining Waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | G. Staples | 1203 | Oahu | US | 2/9/2001 | |
57 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | kawihapai, oahu, t. hawaii | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. | 8933 | USF | 11/27/1926 | ||
58 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Waimanalo, Leilani Nursery, 41-630 Kaulukanu St | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Staples, G. | 759 | Oahu | BISH | 11/16/1991 | |
59 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Koolaupoko Distr., Waimanalo, in Waikupanaha Stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath Kalanianaole Hwy near main entrance to Bellows AFS | Freshwater canal draining Waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Staples, G.W. | Collector Number: 1203 | Oahu | BISH | 2/9/2001 |
60 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | E Maui Kanahana Beach. In small pond near beach. | Floating on surface of pond. Small, green circulr plants w/ | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | F. Starr, K. Starr & Fukada | 030204-1 | Maui | US | 2/4/2003 |
61 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Damon Ponds, Moanalua | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 2517.O | Oahu | BISH | 10/20/1918 | |
62 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | kihei, in waterway makai of south kihei road between st. teresa's church (1310 s.kihei rd) and maui dive shop (1455 s.kihei rd) | Floating on edge of waterway in small numbers following project to remove water hyacinth from the site. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | thomas, p. | collector number: s.n. | Maui | BISH | 8/3/2004 |
63 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Kailua, edge of Kaelepulu Pond, west borders | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Neal, M.C. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 6/11/1940 | |
64 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Waikupanaha Stream, Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii | Mauka side of bridge, floating in water, tangled in debris. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Crago, L.M. | 2005-226 | Oahu | BISH | 11/3/2005 |
65 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | koolaupoko distr., waimanalo, in waikupanaha stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath kalanianaole hwy near main entrance to bellows afs | Freshwater canal draining Waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | staples, g.w. | collector number: 1203 | Oahu | BISH | 2/9/2001 |
66 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | s shore, kapalawai, makai of hwy 50 | Common on trees and forming mats on ground | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | imada, c.t. char, w.p.; morden, c. | collector number: 99-7 | Maui | BISH | 3/6/1999 |
67 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Waikupanaha Stream, Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii | Mauka side of bridge, floating in water, tangled in debris. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Crago, L.M. Imada, C. | Collector Number: 2005-226 | Oahu | BISH | 11/3/2005 |
68 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | east maui, kanaha beach | In small pond near beach. Floating on surface of pond. Associated vegetation: Schinus terebinthifolius. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | starr, f. starr, k.; m.fukada | collector number: 030204-1 | Maui | BISH | 2/4/2003 |
69 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | kawaihapai, mouth of creek | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | st.john, h. | collector number: 10008 | Oahu | BISH | 11/3/1929 | |
70 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | S shore, Kapalawai, makai of Hwy 50 | Floating on edge of Kapalawai Pond along with Eichhornia, Schoenoplectus, Cyperus involucratus, Lemna. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Imada, C.T. Char, W.P.; Morden, C. | Collector Number: 99-7 | Kauai | BISH | 3/6/1999 |
71 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | S shore, Kapalawai, makai of Hwy 50 | Floating on edge of Kapalawai Pond along with Eichhornia, Schoenoplectus, Cyperus involucratus, Lemna. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Imada, C.T. | 99-7 | Kauai | BISH | 3/6/1999 |
72 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | waimanalo, leilani nursery, 41-630 kaulukanu st | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | staples, g.w. et al. | collector number: 759 | Oahu | BISH | 11/16/1991 | |
73 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | Koolaupoko Distr., Waimanalo, in Waikupanaha Stream just upstream from where it crosses beneath Kalanianaole Hwy near main entrance to Bellows AFS | Freshwater canal draining Waimanalo agricultural park. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Staples, G. | 1203 | Oahu | BISH | 2/9/2001 |
74 | Spirodela polyrhiza | (L.) Schleid. | kailua, edge of kaelepulu pond, west borders | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | neal, m.c. hartt, c.e. | collector number: s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 6/11/1940 |